Thank You for your interest in Volunteering.  See below for opportunities that are currently available:

Board of Directors

We are always accepting applications to join our board.  We are ALL VOLUNTEERS that work countless hours for ALL the players and families in our league.  We meet at least once a month for board meetings, and there are other committments and jobs that need done all year long.  Please consider making a difference in the lives of kids and join our team! 

If you wish to be part of our Board please complete Board Apllication, Volunteer Application and Concussion Policy Below.

Managers, Coaches and/or Team Moms/Dads

We are always looking for Parents to help in any of these roles.  To apply simply complete the Volunteer section in your user account, by clicking on MY ACCOUNT on the upper right.

Downloadable Forms:

Board Member Application.pdf

Concussion Training link complete the CDC Head's Up training.    

Abuse Awareness Training- Please visit the link below to complete the training

Local Sponsors